Adventures with Baby Food: Yellow Squash

January 25, 2010

I’ve been using my days off to prep baby food for the week. Later this week we’re going to try squash so I went ahead and made it today. This was probably the most difficult baby food I’ve made so far, and it’s not even really difficult just more involved. I’ll post an update later this week on what the food critic aka the baby says!

Baby Food: Yellow Squash

5 small-medium yellow squash (washed thoroughly, ends cut off)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Slice the squash in half lenghwise and place skin side up on a baking sheet. Roast for 20-25 minutes or until a knife can easily pierce the squash. Allow to cool. Puree well in a food processor. The puree will have a grainy appearance. Next, place a mesh strainer over a bowl and spoon the pureed squash mixture into the strainer. With a rubber spatula press the squash through the strainer.


This is what will be left in the strainer


This is what’s in the bowl.

Freeze the squash in baby food freezer trays like I did here. 5 small-medium squash made about six 1 oz. servings after being strained.

Doesn’t look very appealing in this form, but hopefully Drew likes squash as much as his Mom does!

**Update** He liked the squash! Yay! I’m so glad he’s such a good eater. 🙂 

2 Responses to “Adventures with Baby Food: Yellow Squash”

  1. Johanna Says:

    I love making baby food for my son too.

    Wanted to mention that you can take winter squash (acorn or butternut) and cut in half top to bottom. Scrape out seeds with a melon baller and lay face down in a baking dish with about an inch of water. Then bake for an hour at 400 degrees. Then all you have to do is scrape it out, no need to puree or push through a sieve. So I would think you could do the same with summer squash.

    also this website is great

  2. Carrie Says:

    I cannot wait to start on baby food.

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